Poetry is a medium of artistic expression I've enjoyed since high school, especially poems written in meter and rhyme. At that time, my interest was piqued after reading Paul Laurence Dunbar's poem, Dawn. Even though it is composed of only one stanza, the imagery of the splendor of an early dawn is elegant.
I wrote several poems after graduating from high school and even during the first few years of marriage, but they have long since been lost.
While I've occasionally written in free verse, I favor using classical meter and rhyme. My favorite forms to use include the sonnet, quatrain, rubaiyat, couplet, and villanelle. I prefer to keep phrases simple when writing. However, I enjoy reading poetry that includes the skillful use of elegant words.
On the following pages, the poems are divided into three thematic parts and a fourth section comprised of miscellaneous topics.
Enjoy your visit.
Angel L. Villanueva